Here at FemInStyle Africa, we believe in creating a platform to amplify women’s voices to educate, empower and share success stories. In light of this, we will be having a series of interviews with African women in the fashion industry. It is an undeniable fact that women face many limitations in all aspects of life. However, we have great examples of women who are thriving despite these difficulties. It is important that their stories are told to empower others to persevere.
To kick start this series of interviews we are interviewing Aïssata Ba founder of Djeeg’n, a Senegal based Bohemian fashion brand. This brand is all about women, the very mission of this brand is in its name Djeeg’n pronounced jee-gan, a Wolof word meaning woman. Djeeg’n designs for women to empower them to feel happy and confident and therefore their ethos aligns with that of FemInStyle Africa. This brand represents Aïssata’s Senegalese roots, her experiences with fashion from a young age as well as her sojourn around the world and how these transitions and trajectories marry to define what her brand represents.
In this interview, she talks about her journey so far as a fashion brand and shares her views on such topics as sustainability, feminism & fashion and the place of Africa in the worldwide fashion industry.