Women’s safety is not just a human right, it is a basic human right. But you knew that already. Well, FemInStyle Africa has been in the thick of Orange the World 2020, focusing on ending Gender-based Violence (GBV). We’ve produced loads of content for you to watch, read and listen to, and hopefully to encourage you to support the movement to eradicate violence against women and girls.

We kicked off on 25th November, International Day of the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls, with video and written messages from the FemInStyle Africa leadership team, followed by a very special Woman Crush Wednesday, throwing a spotlight on some of the brave women spearheading the fight against Sexual Gender Based Violence. You can learn about Kemi Dasilva-Ibru, founder of the Women at Risk International Foundation in Nigeria and other activists.
FemInStyle Africa was created to bring local stories of Black Women to a global audience. We have pointers on how you can help end violence against women, how to support survivors of sexual assault and a list of local African organisations leading the fight against GBV. Wendy Sigey and Sandy Joan took over our Instagram and Facebook, and Njeri Gateru, human rights activist and Head of Legal at the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission in Kenya is our Woman of the Week.

We have sheroes galore – the inimitable Felicity Nelson moderated a webinar on the fight against GBV with queer activist Sarah Fleischer, Bashiratu Kamal, Julia Nampweya and Beatrice Boakye-Yiadom who gave insight on the year’s theme and how it relates t their different organisations. Listen to Njeri wa Migwi-Mwangi of Usikimye discuss the oppression faced by those like her who try to overturn the status quo by safeguarding victims of GBV in Kenya and find out how to get financial support for your organization from Beatrice Boakye-Yiadom (AWDF).

Women’s rights are human rights. Women’s safety is a human right. Orange the World everyday!